
Altissima's Trachtenberg Multiplication Tutorial

Visit Website
You can visit our Trachtenberg Tutorial website and download a free copy of Trachtenberg Multiplication for your Math Lab. Our tutorial teaches the alternative method of multiplication published in "The Trachtenberg System of Basic Mathematics" and is fun for the gifted student as well as helpful to those who would benefit from an interesting way to learn about multiplication other than simple memorization. When your students ask "How does it work?", you can explain that the keys to understanding systems like these are found in Algebra. Trachtenberg Multiplication runs on Windows 95 and later versions. The web site has a link to the book's current publisher for complete details.

Altissima's Teachers Gradebook

Download Free Software
Altissima also offers a free gradebook software for teachers and schools. The program runs on MS-Windows (tested on Win95, Win2000, WinXP). The web site has screen shots and a link to download the free software.
NOTE: This database application does not have an uninstall because it installs a database engine and uninstalling that might also unintentionally uninstall some drivers that are necessary for other applications. So we just left it alone.