
We are looking for Liaisons who can bring our system to schools. If you like our ideas and what we are doing and would like to become a Liaison between Altissima Groupings and the schools in your area, contact us!

Our business relationship with our Liaisons is between report producer and independent representative / distributor - the schools are our shared customers. You will have an independent small business delivering our reports to schools in your area. You could also use your business and connections and vendor status to work with your schools in other ways, if you wish, for example selling software and books.

The Liaison's job description is outlined in the steps below. The role of Liaison is very important, so they receive half the fee paid by the school. There are no franchise fees or other such costs to the Liaison.

Every school that is interested in using Altissima Groupings must first review a free demonstration so that they understand what the groupings reports can do for their classes. We do this because we cannot refund fees. If the school needs to negotiate the fee, we will work with a reasonable agreement their Liaison makes with them. We can help the schools contact donor organizations.

As a general guideline, our requested fees for the service for one year are $60,000. This is roughly equivalent to one average teacher's annual salary.

Here are the steps:

(Click on the headers to see more details..)

Contact Us
  1. Contact us and let us know that you are interested to try out this business path.
  2. Familiarize yourself with our system here on our website. Feel free to ask questions!
Present the system to your schools
  1. Contact schools in your area. Network with friends, family and your school organizations.
  2. Visit any teachers and administrators in your social network. Explain that we have a new and beneficial system for schools and that you are interested to work with this. Offer them the free demonstration of three classes with their actual students. When the teachers and administrators review the demo classes, they will see how it works.
  3. You can show them this website.
Gather and send the data for the free demonstration classes.
  1. When the school administrators agree to review the free demonstration classes, contact us.
  2. Gather and send the students' data to us as outlined in the page "Send Your Data". This step could take an afternoon. Please be very accurate. This is the first step at which errors could be made. Accuracy is essential in order for our reports to have any value for the students in your school. Show the administration that the students' privacy is protected - The reports you send to us will have no student information other than the birth data. Accept any help they offer from their computer department. We will answer any questions you have about gathering the necessary data.
    Sample School Key List
    Click to View a sample
    School Key List in PDF format.
    This list has student names.
    Keep this at your school.
    Sample Altissima Data List
    Click to View a sample
    Altissima Data List in PDF format.
    This lists only data, no names.
    Send this to Altissima.
We will prepare your demonstration classes reports.
    Sample raw Grouping Report
    raw Grouping Report
  1. Your 3 demo classes will arrive between 2 days to 3 weeks, depending on our current work schedule. When your data arrives, we will add your school to our schedule. We will notify you of our schedule and the progress. We need to pre-process the data for the entire school data and analyze three suitable demonstration classes.
  2. The raw reports that you receive will resemble the sample raw Grouping Report presented here. Take these files to the school to merge with the school key using the Online Report Merger.
  3. Meanwhile, you can practice using the Online Report Merger application with some sample reports, so you can become familiar with the process of assembling the classes at your school. It will help to make a good impression if you can prepare the reports quickly and easily when you visit the school with the demonstration.
    1. First, make a practice folder on your computer for the sample data which are in six plain text files. You can name this new folder "AltissimaGroupings" or something similar.
    2. Next, click here to download the sample data files to your computer. Save them to your new folder, and unzip them.
    3. Now you can click here to practice using the simple easy Online Report Merger. The page includes brief notes that explain how to use it. Contact us with any questions.
Assemble the free demonstration classes at the school
    Sample merged printable Grouping Report
    Click to View a sample
    merged Grouping Report
  1. This step may take an entire morning or afternoon. Set a date so you can assemble the demo classes. Take the free demonstration reports to your school. Show them again that our reports have no student information other than the birth data.
  2. Use the Online Report Merger application to merge the raw reports with the school key. Print the merged reports. You do not need copies. The finished reports should all remain at the school, since the students' names are in them. You can always reprint them at the school when this is necessary.
  3. Help the school staff assemble the classes accurately. Gathering the Data and Assembling the Classes are the two main points at which mistakes can be made. Again, accuracy is essential.
  4. You can now verify that the students are correctly placed. This entails going to each demo class and asking the teacher to ask each child their birthdate and checking that date off the list. Call us with any questions. These steps - Gathering Data and Assembling the Classes - comprise most of the Liaisons' work. Accuracy is essential! Once you see the demo in your school, you'll be able to learn more about the system.
  5. Ask the administrators and teachers to observe the classes.
Offer the school a yearly subscription.
  1. Contact and return to the school for feedback from students, teachers & administrators. At this point, if the school is interested, we will send you our simple yearly contract agreement. Visit the classes with them and offer them the reports service for a year.
  2. This meeting may take up to an hour or two. Negotiate a fee for the year (you get half of this fee). We request $60,000 in the US and an average teacher's salary in other countries. If necessary, we can help the schools contact donors who will help supplement their fees.

  3. We may request that you clean up and complete the original data and send it to us again.
Now you will be an Altissima Liaison to your school!
    From this point we will periodically send you series of reports to deliver and implement in your schools. We will work closely with you and your schools. We are motivated to help you and our shared customers in every way, since your success contributes to both our success and to the success of your schools' children!