Hatred & Love

Hatred is a sign of mental illness.
What thoughts arise when you read that statement?
How does that statement resonate within your mind?

However, you may point out that hatred is a natural response to others who you feel have hurt you. People can say this to rationalize and justify their hatred. But even if the hatred has a real origin and an actual reason, the person who hates has still been made insane. They have been pushed off balance and their mind is no longer strong, flexible and healthy. The longer they remain in this condition, they more they will also tend to hate others who are blameless, people who gave them no reason for hatred. The original reasons for hatred can be obscured and their hatred is often turned against people who did not hurt them. Remember that in the page for Objectivity we looked at Transference and Projection. In our world today, we tolerate too much hatred insanity and we tolerate too much provocation to create more hatred. By studying the insanity of hatred, we can also see that mental health issues often involve our individual and group relationships.

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Try this exercise:
Imagine that a choice was necessary, a choice that would affect the rest of your life ~
Imagine that a part of your brain had to be turned off, but you had some choice in the matter. Suppose that you had to choose between perceiving only love or only hate in all your relationships. Would you prefer to be able to see only that everyone hates you, dislikes you, is irritated by you or is indifferent to you to some degree or would you prefer to be able to perceive only that everyone loves you or likes you or is pleased or amused by you to some degree?

Now lets turn the choice around ~
If you had to choose to feel and express only one of those emotions yourself for the rest of your life, would you choose to be able to feel and express only irritation, antipathy, resentment, dislike and hatred, or would you choose to be able to feel and express only pleasant relations, empathy, compassion, friendship and love?

Can you imagine how this choice would affect you after a few years? What do your values tell you?

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