Solutions: Transportation

Implementing improved methods of powering the varied modes of transportation is the single most effective way to protect the environment and reverse the causes of global warming. The major methods of Transportation include: ships, railways, aircraft, trucking, inner city light rail, buses, automobiles, motorcycles and bicycles. Any and all of these can be improved with alternative power. Using an electric car instead of a gasoline auto can prevent about 10,000 lbs (five tons) of CO2 per year from being spewed into the atmosphere.

What We Can Do

Buy a new electric vehicle or convert your own car!
  • Reduce greenhouse gases to prevent global warming.
  • Reduce local air pollution in urban areas and promote a cleaner local environment.
  • Save mucho money. Pay about $0.02 per mile, assuming about $0.10/kWh. Compared to $4 per gallon gasoline, an electric vehicle uses the equivalent of $0.45 per gallon of gasoline.
  • Reduce the $1 billion/day leaving the US for oil, insulate yourself from future oil price increases and send a clear message to the oil companies that they don't have a monopoly on your energy choices.
  • Help reduce demand on oil, a limited resource. Reduced demand on oil will help to keep prices down for food and home heating oil in northern areas.
  • Pioneer the future & set an example!
  • Travel in a conversation starter!

Resources & Links